Wishing you all a Peaceful and Safe Christmas and a Happy and Healthier 2021!

Safe Space Consultancy supporting White Ribbon Day

On the 25th Novbember we celebrate #WhiteRibbonDay and the next #16DaysofAction to raise awareness of Ending Male Violence Against Women. This year has been unprecedented in highlighting the prevalence and risks of #domesticviolence and abuse with a huge increase in reporting of #domesticabuse crimes not just in the UK, but globally. Each day I will be joining millions of others who will be standing up and speaking out against male domestic violence and abuse. Please join us in making this movement stronger and make your valued contribution towards ending male violence against women! When we say Ending Male Violence Against Women, this doesn’t mean we are against men – we are against male perpetrators of violence and abuse. If that’s not you, then please join us!
#noexcuseforabuse #16days #makethepromise #domesticabuse



Understanding Domestic Abuse, Stalking, Bullying & Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
In association with YMCA Bournemouth and STARS we are hosting a full day training opportunity for Employers, Directors, Managers, Team Leaders and Supervisors.

From 9am – 4pm
at The Stourvale Centre, 108 Stourvale Rd, Bournemouth BH6 5JB


The subjects covered on the day will include:


  • Understanding the Impact of Domestic Abuse and Stalking in the Workplace including
  • Spotting the Signs
  • Supporting an Employee
  • Reducing the Risk (to individual and organisation)
  • Understanding Bullying & Harassment in the Workplace
  • Impact of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace


Outcomes for attendees will include:


  • In-depth understanding of the prevalence and impact of domestic abuse & stalking in the workplace
  • Greater ability to spot the signs and appropriately support staff
  • Enable organisations to understand their responsibilities, thereby reducing risk to staff and organisation

For those attendees who are members of regulatory bodies the training on Domestic Abuse & Stalking in the Workplace is CPD Accredited.  All delegates will receive a certificate of attendance.

If you would like further information on training for your business/organisation, please do not hesitate to contact me by emailing julie@safespaceconsultancy.org




BU Celebrates Global Entrepreneurship Week with Women In Entrepreneurship Panel! 

Save the date! Tuesday 19th November 2019 from 12.45-16.15 at Bournemouth University, Talbot Campus. 

I am very proud to be invited to attend this event as a speaker and panel member along with a group of extra-ordinary women.  Women who enrich, support and make a difference in our communities; the economy and towards ourselves!  For further info and to book your free place, please follow the link to: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/women-in-entrepreneurship-tickets-74693186331


Information about event and women entrepreneurs
Women in Entrepreneurship


You’re invited! Free Awareness Event on 18th Sept 2019


Please join us to learn more about the impact of domestic abuse, stalking, bullying and sexual harassment in the workplace.  This event is for those who care about their workplace culture and creating a ‘Safe Space’ to work for their employees.




Compassionate Entrepreneur 2019 Award

This was a lovely surprise! Along with many other deserving individuals at the 3rd Annual Bronze Event for IWD2019, I received the Compassionate Entrepreneur 2019 Award. I was nominated by Michael Hancock from the School Of Compassionate Entrepreneurs Network. Thank you Michael!



IWD2019 #balanceforbetter / relationships

I was very pleased to be invited as a Speaker at the 3rd Bronze Annual International Women’s Day Event. I am passionate about raising awareness of domestic abuse and stalking to new and wider audiences and this event was a great platform to do just that. Part of my speech covered the EWS – Early Warning Signs of domestic abuse and stalking behaviour, I hope everyone there took away these valuable pieces of information and will recognise them again if they show themselves!


9/03/19 – I will be celebrating International Women’s Day this year by attending as one of the speakers for The 3rd Bronze Annual Women event to be held at The Royal Bath Hotel Bournemouth  The theme this year is #balanceforbetter.  I will be giving a talk on #balanceforbetter/relationships  This event is organised by Arts 4 Survival Community Interest Company


Upcoming Events:


February 2019 – Very pleased to have been chosen as Action Hampshire’s Member of the Month! 

7/02/19 – I will be giving a talk on Causes of Stress and Distress in the Workplace. Event organised by Bournemouth Chamber of Trade and Commerce and held at The Hilton Hotel Bournemouth

NOV 2018

12/11/18 – Safer New Forest Conference at Brockenhurst College.

WC 26/11/18 – National Domestic Abuse Week

SEPT 2018

New Forest Domestic Abuse Forum Meeting

JUNE 2018

Training Event: Lone Worker with Debbie Grace (Community First New Forest) & Introduction to Impact of Harassment, Domestic Abuse & Stalking in the Workplace .
Thursday 14/06/18 1-4.30pm, at Artsway, Sway, SO41 6BA – Fully Booked

MARCH 2018

Expert Panel Speaker at Forest Arts Centre, New Milton.  International Women’s Day Film Screening of Embrace: A film documentary that uncovers why poor body image has become a global epidemic and what women everywhere can do to have a brighter future.



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