A professional milestone was achieved recently for Safe Space Consultancy and Dorset Rape Crisis Support Centre.
Delivering training to People Managers from Tesco’s stores within and around Bournemouth on Domestic Abuse, Sexual Abuse and Stalking in the Workplace. Delivering training to business on these subjects is still in its infancy so myself and Helen Stevens from DRCSC were very pleased with the uptake on the training by Tesco’s People Managers.  Their knowledge gained on each of the subjects was greatly improved and feedback was excellent with further awareness raised to protect and support employees who may be experiencing any of these issues.

“Very insightful session – lots of information and thought provoking tips on how as a HR Manager we can help and support our colleagues and work with both companies.” Maria Yeomans, People Manager, Tesco’s Stores Ltd.

“I now feel very empowered to help and support any of my colleagues who are a victim of abuse.” Teresa Munday, Tesco’s Stores Ltd

A further half-day accredited training seminar is currently being planned for June 2017.  Dates, times and venue to be confirmed.

(If you are interested in attending or would like to know more about the training, please contact me via the contacts page on the website. Thank you.)


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